Food Traceability Compliance

LSPedia’s OneScan Suite empowers food companies to meet the FDA’s new food traceability requirements with complete confidence — and a reduced workload.

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New FDA requirements

The FDA's Traceability Rule, in effect since January 20, 2023, adds stringent requirements for food traceability, with full compliance expected by January 20, 2026. Food entities, particularly those handling items on the Food Traceability List (FTL), must establish and maintain a Traceability Plan, record Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) via Key Data Elements (KDEs), and comply with many more new provisions.

Comprehensive Food Traceability Solutions

LSPedia's OneScan Suite gives food companies the tools they need to meet the FDA's Food Traceability requirements head-on. Further, its capabilities simplify compliance and eliminate complex, repetitive manual entry.

Implementing food traceability compliance is no small feat, and the clock is ticking. The FDA's stance on resources and support is clear, but the responsibility ultimately rests on your shoulders.


Policies and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for adhering to FDA's Food Traceability requirements


Receive and track lot codes from suppliers


Assign, track, maintain, and keep records of lot codes for materials, production batches, inventory, and outbound shipments throughout the supply chain


Efficiently exchange lot code data with trading partners


Cradle-to-grave lot code transaction history for recalls


Portal access for suppliers and customer to upload and download Lot Codes


Automated recall reports and workflows to streamline recall notices and reconciliation


Real-time audit reports, with lot codes available on demand for FDA audits

Take action on food traceability now

The FDA's new food traceability requirements are challenging, but with LSPedia's OneScan Suite, you can approach compliance with confidence.

Don't wait – start your journey toward compliance today with LSPedia's OneScan Suite.

  • Integrated, comprehensive solution
  • Robust policies
  • Real-time audit capabilities
  • Extensive SOPs
  • Proven effectiveness

Get in touch

Are you ready for secure, streamlined food traceability compliance? Contact our dedicated team at, or send us a message at

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Speak With a Solutions Expert Today

OneScan is the leading global track-and-trace compliance solution for the supply chain, designed and proven to increase productivity, profitability, and supply chain visibility. LSPedia's seamless, cloud-based compliance solution streamlines the track and trace requirements with little impact on your daily processes.

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